Product Roadmap

Add Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) values

Ability to view daily, quarterly and annual DCF values over chart

Automated data news for you!

Ability to view current and historical market insights reports for any given date

Add fundamental ratings system

Abiity to compute ratings on DCF, ROA, ROE, Debt/Equity, and P/E

Add Earnings Call Transcripts

Ability to view current and historical earnings call transcripts

Views > Add open price vs previous day data

Add a view where users can quickly view current open price vs previous day high, low and close prices in % terms

Views > Add close price vs previous day data

Add a view where users can quickly view current close price vs previous day open, high, low prices in % terms

Views > Add Close price vs Simple Moving averages

Ability to quickly compare current prices vs simple moving averages for breakout stocks movements

Calculate pivot points

Ability to quickly view support and resistance levels of pivot points

Show stocks with breakout patterns

Ability to view stocks with breakout patterns formations and more..

Show dividend repots for Units and Close End Funds

Quickly view all dividend related information for all Units and Close End Funds

View moving average technical direction

Ability to see uptrend, downtrend, bullish/bearish crossover and more on any global symbol

View total counts for average technical directions

Ability to see total counts for uptrend, downtrend, bullish/bearish crossover and more on any global symbol

Find Gap up and Gap down stocks

Ability to view stocks gap up and gap down price trends

View best stocks within 1 Week to 1 year

Quickly view the best performing stocks within 1 week, 1/3/6/9/year-to-date/1 year period

Find stock where price > Previous high price

Ability to view stocks where current price > previous day high price

Find Top Losers on High Volume

Ability to view top losers on high volume