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Frequently Asked Questions
Why does KlickAnalytics cost what it costs?
KlickAnalytics delivers a professional-grade trading platform that unifies hundreds of investment tools into one seamless solution. The pricing reflects its extensive capabilities, including premium data feeds, sophisticated analytics, and advanced automation tools. By providing an all-in-one platform, we remove the need for multiple separate tools, which would be more expensive to acquire individually. Our goal is to enhance your trading efficiency and effectiveness, offering outstanding value for your investment.
How can i change plans or candel my subscription?
You have the flexibility to modify or cancel your subscription at any time. Log into your KlickAnalytics account, navigate to the User Menu, select "Account". Follow the on-screen instructions to change your plan or cancel the subscription. If you cancel, the change will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle.
What is KlickAnalytics refund policy?
Due to immediate costs incurred when setting up accounts, we're unable to offer refunds for initial orders or first-time purchases. Exceptions are made for yearly renewal charges if you unintentionally forget to cancel and are no longer using the service. Please contact Customer Support within 24 hours of the charge for consideration. Monthly plans are non-refundable but can be canceled for future billing periods.
Do I need to download or install anything?
You will never need to download, install, or update KlickAnalytics. KlickAnalytics is a web-based scanner that can be used on PC, Mac, or mobile phones. So you can research stocks on the go!
Does KlickAnalytis work on mobile phones or tables?
Yes. KlickAnalytics is available on mobile devices through our mobile web platform and native apps for Android and iOS. We also offer a Chrome Browser Extension to enhance your browsing experience. While most features are optimized for mobile, advanced functionalities like creating alerts, strategies, or new scanners are limited to the desktop version due to their complexity. However, you can still access scanner results and other essential features on mobile. KlickAnalytics Mobile is designed to work seamlessly with your account, providing a consistent experience across devices.
What security measures are in place to protect my account and data? We prioritize your security by using industry-standard protocols, including encryption, to protect your data. All payment information is securely handled by Stripe. Which timeframes does KlickAnalytics cover? Can I scan for stocks live during premarket trading?
Absolutely! KlickAnalytics covers all US equities market trading hours, from 4am EST to 8pm EST. So you can find stocks to trade during premarket, regular hours, as well as afterhours.
Where does KlickAnalytics source it’s data from?
We have extremely high data standards and we work directly with the global stock exchanges and we get pricing, and market data from various market data provider, So you can be certain all data comes from the sources and that we have the best data quality out there!
Which securities does KlickAnalytics cover?
We are a multi-asset class platform providing global equities, ETFs, Funds, Crypto, Commodities and much more. If an instrument traded in an exchange, we will cover that.
Do you provide Live News Data?
YES Absolutely! KlickAnalytics covers news releases and provides live news articles, so you can quickly see why a stock is moving.
Does KlickAnalytics offer OTC data?
YES! We cover the entire US equities markets, including OTC stocks.
How often you update the platform for new features?
At KlickAnalytics, one thing remains constant: "We’re always adding more features for our customers." We continually enhance KlickAnalytics with new tools and improvements. Updates are rolled out regularly, and you can stay up-to-date by reviewing our release notes.
KlickAnalytics delivers a professional-grade trading platform that unifies hundreds of investment tools into one seamless solution. The pricing reflects its extensive capabilities, including premium data feeds, sophisticated analytics, and advanced automation tools. By providing an all-in-one platform, we remove the need for multiple separate tools, which would be more expensive to acquire individually. Our goal is to enhance your trading efficiency and effectiveness, offering outstanding value for your investment.
How can i change plans or candel my subscription?
You have the flexibility to modify or cancel your subscription at any time. Log into your KlickAnalytics account, navigate to the User Menu, select "Account". Follow the on-screen instructions to change your plan or cancel the subscription. If you cancel, the change will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle.
What is KlickAnalytics refund policy?
Due to immediate costs incurred when setting up accounts, we're unable to offer refunds for initial orders or first-time purchases. Exceptions are made for yearly renewal charges if you unintentionally forget to cancel and are no longer using the service. Please contact Customer Support within 24 hours of the charge for consideration. Monthly plans are non-refundable but can be canceled for future billing periods.
Do I need to download or install anything?
You will never need to download, install, or update KlickAnalytics. KlickAnalytics is a web-based scanner that can be used on PC, Mac, or mobile phones. So you can research stocks on the go!
Does KlickAnalytis work on mobile phones or tables?
Yes. KlickAnalytics is available on mobile devices through our mobile web platform and native apps for Android and iOS. We also offer a Chrome Browser Extension to enhance your browsing experience. While most features are optimized for mobile, advanced functionalities like creating alerts, strategies, or new scanners are limited to the desktop version due to their complexity. However, you can still access scanner results and other essential features on mobile. KlickAnalytics Mobile is designed to work seamlessly with your account, providing a consistent experience across devices.
What security measures are in place to protect my account and data? We prioritize your security by using industry-standard protocols, including encryption, to protect your data. All payment information is securely handled by Stripe. Which timeframes does KlickAnalytics cover? Can I scan for stocks live during premarket trading?
Absolutely! KlickAnalytics covers all US equities market trading hours, from 4am EST to 8pm EST. So you can find stocks to trade during premarket, regular hours, as well as afterhours.
Where does KlickAnalytics source it’s data from?
We have extremely high data standards and we work directly with the global stock exchanges and we get pricing, and market data from various market data provider, So you can be certain all data comes from the sources and that we have the best data quality out there!
Which securities does KlickAnalytics cover?
We are a multi-asset class platform providing global equities, ETFs, Funds, Crypto, Commodities and much more. If an instrument traded in an exchange, we will cover that.
Do you provide Live News Data?
YES Absolutely! KlickAnalytics covers news releases and provides live news articles, so you can quickly see why a stock is moving.
Does KlickAnalytics offer OTC data?
YES! We cover the entire US equities markets, including OTC stocks.
How often you update the platform for new features?
At KlickAnalytics, one thing remains constant: "We’re always adding more features for our customers." We continually enhance KlickAnalytics with new tools and improvements. Updates are rolled out regularly, and you can stay up-to-date by reviewing our release notes.