AJMAN BANK PJSC Stock Analysis: Prices and Technical Indicators
By KlickAnalytics Data Insights | January 10, 2025 07:59AM ET
Pricing Analysis of AJMAN BANK PJSC
The current price of AJMAN BANK PJSC stock is 1.68 with a 1-day change of -0.01, resulting in a 1-day return of -0.59%. The trading volume stands at 7,646,516 shares. Over the past week, the stock has experienced a return of -1.176471%, while the 1-month and 3-month returns are -3.448276% and -2.325581% respectively. The stock has seen a negative 1-year return of -18.04878%.
Looking at the price rally, the stock has been trading downward for the last 1 day. The close price to open price ratio indicates a bullish sentiment at 0.60%, while the close price to low price ratio is also bullish at 1.20%. The 1-month high price was 1.75, recorded 32 days ago, while the 1-month low price of 1.67 occurred 11 days ago. The current price is -4.00% lower than the 1-month high and 0.60% higher than the 1-month low.
The 52-week high and low prices were 2.23 and 1.66, respectively. The current price is -24.66% lower than the 52-week high and 1.20% higher than the 52-week low. The historical returns for the stock stand at: 1-Day -0.59%, 1-Week -1.18%, 1-Month -3.45%, 3-Months -2.33%, 6-Months -6.15%, Year-to-date -1.18%, 1-Year -18.05%.
Lastly, the historical relative volume ratios for the stock indicate: 1-Week 1.84x, 1-Month 2.55x, 3-Months 1.27x, 6-Months 1.36x, Year-to-date 2.15x, 1-Year 1.32x. Notably, the current volume is -24.52% compared to the 1-month high volume and 6070.23% compared to the 1-month low volume.
Technical Indicators
Despite some bullish sentiments in the pricing analysis, the technical indicators suggest a bearish trend. The Simple Moving Averages (SMA) analysis shows that the stock is currently in a sell zone for all periods: SMA5, SMA10, SMA20, SMA50, SMA100, and SMA200. The close price vs SMA ratios also indicate downward trends: SMA5 -0.24%, SMA10 -0.79%, SMA20 -0.86%, SMA50 -2.48%, SMA100 -3.88%, SMA200 -5.94%.